Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Mysterious Booster

A.K.A: The Mysterious Booster takes on many shapes, sizes, genders and identities.
Image used without permission from
Super-tools used by The Mysterious Booster.
Superhero Slogan:  Do you need a boost?
  The Mysterious Booster aids stranded motorists by bringing their dead vehicles back to life.  S/he possesses the astounding ability to channeling electricity from one vehicle to another through her/his "Jumper" or "Booster" Cables.  S/he is usually a complete stranger to the person in need. Limitations:  The Mysterious Booster often forgets the super-sequence for connecting her/his Cables to the dead vehicle.  Although The Mysterious Booster can channel electricity through the Cables, s/he can be severely injured by an unplanned electrical transmission or a battery explosion. Status: Hero. Interesting Facts:
  • If the discharged battery is cracked, has a low electrolyte level, or is frozen, a jump start should not be attempted. 
  • In the United States in 1994, a research note by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association estimated that about 442 persons were injured by exploding batteries while attempting a jump-start
  • In an extreme case, it is possible to crank and start a vehicle with no battery in it if the cables are heavy-duty. Cranking current drawn through light-gauge cables will damage them by overheating.

1 comment:

jozien said...

Hi Michael, you have an interesting blog here! I will soon take some more time to read it. I love the way you get a message across in a humorous way.
That was fun yesterday, to meet you and family and friends that way.
I think i met your wife before at Joanne's. And! i am a good friend of Sonja. Or did you know that all :).